Tag Archives: aau

AAU Pandemic Ventilator Photo by: Lars Horn

AAUs nødrespirator – som på meget kort tid blev tilgængelig for hele verden – demonstrerer, hvad et godt samarbejde mellem universiteter, virksomheder og myndigheder kan lykkes med. 26 May 2020. By David Erichsen Samarbejde mellem virksomheder og universitet er langt fra nyt på Aalborg Universitet, AAU. Det kan være en producent af entreprenørmaskiner, som samarbejder …


Monday May 28 2018: DTU-UC Berkeley meeting and DNNT annual meeting The air was warm and very humid; the clouds were getting grey and threatening. The people of Copenhagen moved quickly and determined towards their Monday morning destinations. It was a dramatic setting and the kickstart of a busy week for Open Entrepreneurship. University partnership …


DTU Fotonik will take part in the new initiative Open Entrepreneurship with Prof. Jes Broeng in the front seat. The initiative Open Entrepreneurship will tackle the challenge of bringing knowledge, patents and new inventions from the university to the industry. A closer collaboration between the academic world and the industry could ultimately mean that ground …