10 Mar 2020. Open Entrepreneurship skaber en ramme for, at eksterne iværksættere kan udvikle startups i samarbejde med forskere på universiteterne. Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash På kun to år er det lykkes projekt Open Entrepreneurship at skabe 26 start-ups og have en række lovende cases i pipelinen. Nøglen bag succesen er at invitere erhvervslivet …
ET is supporting the Technical University of Denmark’s new Open Entrepreneurship Initiative to help bridge the gap between entrepreneurs and researchers in Denmark with the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship (BMoE), a hands-on approach to learning entrepreneurship that emphasizes understanding the mindset and behaviors of successful entrepreneurs. Read article from SCET here
Open Entrepreneurship has been highlighted as an ambitious initiative with a focus on technology transfer in the publication by IRIS Group for the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Read the evaluation in Danish here
Knowledge from the universities must to a greater extent be used to develop products and solutions in Danish companies. The Department of Biomedicine and iNANO are at the forefront of a new pilot project to boost commercialisation of research. Read full article here
DTU Fotonik will take part in the new initiative Open Entrepreneurship with Prof. Jes Broeng in the front seat. The initiative Open Entrepreneurship will tackle the challenge of bringing knowledge, patents and new inventions from the university to the industry. A closer collaboration between the academic world and the industry could ultimately mean that ground …
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