AAU Pandemic Ventilator Photo by: Lars Horn

AAUs nødrespirator – som på meget kort tid blev tilgængelig for hele verden – demonstrerer, hvad et godt samarbejde mellem universiteter, virksomheder og myndigheder kan lykkes med. 26 May 2020. By David Erichsen Samarbejde mellem virksomheder og universitet er langt fra nyt på Aalborg Universitet, AAU. Det kan være en producent af entreprenørmaskiner, som samarbejder …


21 Apr 2020. By: Shomit Ghose. Shomit Ghose is member of the international advisory board of Open Entrepreneurship. Photo: engin akyurt on Unsplash Quarantine angst What does the jet engine have in common with penicillin, the world’s first antibiotic? Both, as it turns out, were born in 1928, but it took the crisis of the …


10 Mar 2020.  Open Entrepreneurship skaber en ramme for, at eksterne iværksættere kan udvikle startups i samarbejde med forskere på universiteterne. Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash På kun to år er det lykkes projekt Open Entrepreneurship at skabe 26 start-ups og have en række lovende cases i pipelinen. Nøglen bag succesen er at invitere erhvervslivet …


13 Oct 2019 During the past two years, ground-breaking research has been converted into promising start-ups by inviting experienced entrepreneurs to be mentors at the labs at the universities. Open Entrepreneurship – a collaborative initiative established in 2017 by four universities has proven a huge success. During the past two years, ground-breaking research has been …


A thousand tech-interested attendees participated in DTU Startup Fair that took place 10th of October during High Tech Summit 2018. Entrepreneurs, researchers, investors, students, mentors and many more came together to connect with the entrepreneurship ecosystem at DTU. A recent impact analysis made by IRIS Group shows that DTU has created a special ecosystem that …


Date: September 20 – 21 Location: Fibigerstræde 4, Room 123 – 9220 Aalborg Ø (Aalborg University) Do you have the right competencies to make a successful business? Does your company keep experiencing specific challenges – that may benefit from a new point of view? And do you have a desire to improve the collaboration with …


Monday May 28 2018: DTU-UC Berkeley meeting and DNNT annual meeting The air was warm and very humid; the clouds were getting grey and threatening. The people of Copenhagen moved quickly and determined towards their Monday morning destinations. It was a dramatic setting and the kickstart of a busy week for Open Entrepreneurship. University partnership …


ET is supporting the Technical University of Denmark’s new Open Entrepreneurship Initiative to help bridge the gap between entrepreneurs and researchers in Denmark with the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship (BMoE), a hands-on approach to learning entrepreneurship that emphasizes understanding the mindset and behaviors of successful entrepreneurs. Read article from SCET here


Open Entrepreneurship has been highlighted as an ambitious initiative with a focus on technology transfer in the publication by IRIS Group for the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Read the evaluation in Danish here


Knowledge from the universities must to a greater extent be used to develop products and solutions in Danish companies. The Department of Biomedicine and iNANO are at the forefront of a new pilot project to boost commercialisation of research. Read full article here